[ENGLISH] The Guru Kalaimamani Kuttalam Sri M.Selvam

  Kalaimamani Kuttalam Sri.M. Selvam was born in 1950 in the village of Kuttalam, in the region of Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu, to a family of musicians and nattuvanars (traditional dance gurus).  His father, the famous Sri Muttuswamy Pillay, was the first Indian artist to receive from the french government the award: Chevalier des Arts et des Letters.
Immersed in music and dance, Selvam learned the art of Bharatanatyam and of Nattuvangam, from his grandfather and his father. He develops a unique style, and creates originals adavus and jethis. (Steps, figures,  and sequences.)  Reformer in the rhythm and space, he composes singular and unique choreographies, yet keeping the tradition and the devotional nature of this art.
In his teaching, he creates to each and every one of his student a unique repertoire, to evaluate and explore the student/dancer body languish, capacity, and dynamism.

La danse indienne provient de plusieurs origines : les anciens manuscrits, la tradition orale, la poésie tamoule et telugu, les statues dans les temples et les rites.

Parallèlement à ces racines traditionnelles, la danse continue son parcours et s'imprègne de contes populaires, du langage de la rue, des gestes quotidiens ; elle respire l'air du jour, de notre ère.

Jamais l'art ne se fige : la statue du temple ou le mouvement de la danse sont aussi vivants et vibrants qu'il y a des milliers d'années.

The Indian dance derives from several origins: the ancient manuscripts, the oral tradition, the Tamoul and Telugu poetry, the statues in the temples, the temple rituals.

Parallel to its traditional roots, the dance traces it's way, influenced by folk tales, daily gestures, modern expressions. Thus the dance breathes and lives the era of our time.

Never does the dance freeze, or stay immovable just as the temple statues seem to be in constant motion, so is the motion of the dance. It is as vibrating and lively as it has been from thousands of years.