[ENGLISH] Bharatanatyam

   Bharatanatyam is a classical dance form from South India, Tamil Nadu region.This ancient art remains both relevant and lively.
    The structure of the dance gives the dancer the freedom to go through abstract and concrete universes, to celebrate the ecstasy of rhythm and to express one's self in minimalist lyricism.
There is a distinction between the Nrta, or the abstract part of the dance, and the Nrtya, the narrative part. In one, the dancer sculpts the space with geometrical lines,  and plays complex rhythmical patterns with his/her feet.  In the other, the dancer       evokes the scale of human emotions, dancing to the music compositions  for  
 mythologies, ancient classical poetry and other texts.
The combination of those two elements gives the audience an experience of sensory intensity.

La danse indienne provient de plusieurs origines : les anciens manuscrits, la tradition orale, la poésie tamoule et telugu, les statues dans les temples et les rites.

Parallèlement à ces racines traditionnelles, la danse continue son parcours et s'imprègne de contes populaires, du langage de la rue, des gestes quotidiens ; elle respire l'air du jour, de notre ère.

Jamais l'art ne se fige : la statue du temple ou le mouvement de la danse sont aussi vivants et vibrants qu'il y a des milliers d'années.

The Indian dance derives from several origins: the ancient manuscripts, the oral tradition, the Tamoul and Telugu poetry, the statues in the temples, the temple rituals.

Parallel to its traditional roots, the dance traces it's way, influenced by folk tales, daily gestures, modern expressions. Thus the dance breathes and lives the era of our time.

Never does the dance freeze, or stay immovable just as the temple statues seem to be in constant motion, so is the motion of the dance. It is as vibrating and lively as it has been from thousands of years.